Q&A: TikTok star Nic Gonlas on a crazy 2020 and the power of the app

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Saturday, July 20, 2024

As the world went virtual in 2020, TikTok grabbed the world’s attention and so did Nic Gonlas.

The American recently celebrated hitting 900,000 followers on the platform, as well as another 100k on Instagram, and talks to CelebMix about all that has been and what is to come.

Q: Hi Nic, welcome to CelebMix, it’s great to have you. What are you up to today?  
A: I am about to pack up and head back to college from the winter break and dive back into schoolwork.

Q: New Year has been a bit different for everyone this year, how have you spent the holidays?
A: I have spent most of my time during the holidays with my family and friends back home. I just completed my first semester at college and it was nice to have a break and refresh. Christmas and New Year’s was much more scaled back for me this year due to Covid restrictions, so I just made sure I enjoyed the time safely with those closest to me. 


Q: 2020 was quite the year for you. You’ve now got over 900,000 followers on TikTok and 100,000 on Instagram. I bet you didn’t expect that this time a year ago?
A: I never imagined it would take off so much during 2020. I still wake up every morning and think about how lucky I am to have such a large following. My fans are so loyal and nice and I am just so grateful for each of them. 

Q: Those are some pretty mind-boggling numbers. How do you get your head around thinking of just how many people that is?
A: Isn’t it crazy? It is still mind-boggling to me but I hope it means they really like my content. I always try to provide something new, different, and entertaining to keep my following and hopefully continue to expand it in 2021.

Q: Is there a pressure that comes with such a big following? 
A: I do think there is always some pressure with knowing so many people are following you and watching all that you do. My family and friends keep me grounded. I will always strive to just be me and hope that I can continue to provide the content my fans expect from me.


Q: A lot of those people have followed your TikTok because of your viral dancing. How did you get into dancing on TikTok? 
A: I actually started with Musical.ly and then merged over to TikTok. I have always enjoyed dancing so it all started in making a few videos from my backyard as a bored teenager looking for something to do. Dancing is my medicine and makes me very happy so it was just natural to me to go outside and video a few dances. It just took off from there. 

Q: TikTok has had a huge surge in popularity this year, what’s your favourite thing about the app? 
A: I love so much about TikTok but I really enjoy the diversity and talent you can find on there from people from all over the world. I think it allows everyone to have their own self-expression and I love that about the app. 

Q: 2020 has been a year where people haven’t been able to meet up so much and have spent more time seeking connections online. Do you think TikTok has played an important role in bringing people together in a year as difficult as this one? 
A: I absolutely believe TikTok has played a major role in keeping people connected during the pandemic and COVID quarantine restrictions. I think it has given so many of us an outlet to get through these difficult times. It helped us keep our sanity. 

Q: What tips would you give to any followers wanting to start making TikToks themselves?
A: I would say just be you. It still blows my mind that this all started for me by just making videos in my backyard. Stay true to what makes you unique and don’t ever give up on your dreams. 


Q: 2021 is finally here. Are you making any New Year’s Resolutions or looking forward to anything special? 
A: My New Year’s Resolution is just to continue to work towards my future goals of getting my college education and continuing pursuit of my career ambitions. After I complete my freshman Spring Semester, I will be able to move out of the dorms and will be getting my own place for next school year. I also want to continue to grow my social media following expanding more into YouTube. I hope to have more opportunities for acting and modeling roles as I continue to build my career as a social influencer. 

How about some quick fire questions…
Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 
A: Talk to Spirits

Q: What’s the last song you listened to? 
A: Let’s Fall in Love for the Night by Finneas

Q: It’s brunch… what do you eat? 
A: French Toast 

Are you a TikTok fan? Loving Nic Gonlas’ content? Let us know @CelebMix on Instagram.
