How do I keep snakes away from my pond?

Posted by Martina Birk on Sunday, October 6, 2024

Remove Snake Shelters Keeping Grass Short: Be sure to gut the grass in your yard and especially around your pond regularly. Remove Piles: Move any wood piles, compost piles, mulch, etc. Trim Bushes & Shrubs: Overgrown bushes and shrubs can also provide ideal spaces for snakes to live and hide. Click to see full answer. People also ask, how do I keep snakes out of my pond? The best way to get rid of snakes in a pond is to make the area undesirable for habitation. Cut the grass surrounding the pond with a lawn mower on a regular basis. Use a weed trimmer to cut back tall shrubs and weeds. Move all wood piles, rock piles, compost piles, mulch and tarps far away from the pond area. Also Know, what keeps snakes away from your home? DIY Snake Repellent If snakes seem to always find their way into your yard, keep them away with ammonia. Snakes hate the smell and won’t come near it. Soak rags in ammonia and place them in unsealed plastic bags. Leave the plastic bags where you usually see the snakes, and they won’t come back again. Similarly one may ask, do moth balls really keep snakes away? Moth balls are common old-time home remedy to keep snakes away, but this old wives’ tale doesn’t stand the test of science. Mothballs don’t repel snakes. Snakes “smell” with their tongues, so methods like mothballs that rely on odors are unlikely to deter them.What smells do snakes hate?Cinnamon, clove, and cedarwood essential oils will all repel snakes. (Find them all here.) It’s thought that snakes think the oils will melt the scales, so they stay away from them.
